Feed Them Social 4.0 Major Changes

Feed Them Social Changes Ahead

We will be revising this post with images in the weeks to come depicting the new layout and look. This is a notice to all Feed Them Social users that we will be making some major positive changes to the plugin in the upcoming months.

At the moment to create a feed you must get an access token on one page, then go to another page to create a shortcode. If you wanted to alter the shortcode you would have regenerate it by manually adding your selected options again. We realize this can be time consuming and demotivating when you have to update the access token in the shortcode each time it expires too.

So to make things easier we are going to be creating what is called a custom post type, and this new post type will contain all the options you need to create your feed. The shortcode you use will simply contain a custom post ID and that's it. No more having to update options or access tokens in the shortcode.

Converting your old shortcode will be easy. Simply copy the old shortcode and add it to the new custom post type, doing so will map your old shortcode options to the input fields of the custom post type. Save the post and replace the old shortcode with the new one and you are done. If your shortcode does not contain the access token you will have to copy and paste that from the Facebook Options, Instagram Options etc pages to the custom post type you are working on.

Stay tuned for more details and thanks for using our plugins.

Update September 29th, 2021

Below are a list of New Features to come and a few photos depicting some of these new features. We will be focusing on the backend features for this particular update notice.

New Features & Options

  1. You can now create a feed and the options will be saved so you can edit them later. We have also created a simple option to convert your old Shortcodes to the new format. You can see this option in the top right of the image below.
  2. All old Settings Options (Facebook Options, Instagram Options, Twitter Options etc.) will now be available per feed. This will give you more control over colors, font sizes and more for each feed. This is useful if you are creating more than one facebook feed for example but want to have different colors. Photos to come.
  3. The new Feeds page is a great way to easily see what social feeds you have created. This also makes editing your feed much easier. We also added a Shortcode Location option. This is very useful for finding where you have pasted an fts shortcode on your website.
  4. We simplified the Settings page with separate tabs to organize the options. Upon installation of FTS 4.0 all the old Global Options settings will be mapped to the new Settings page so you won't have to worry about re-entering those particular options. Below are a few pics from the new Settings page.
  5. Styles and Scripts for our Shortcodes will only be loaded on the pages our shortcode is on. This will speed up load time which is great for your site, google and also reduces the chance for js errors.

As we make more progress we'll post more notes and pictures. Thanks for taking the time to read through our post.

Follow Update on 6/3/22: https://www.slickremix.com/update-on-feed-them-social-4-0/