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Client Changes Setup

This DAS Premium extension adds Client Changes features to the Design Approval System plugin which include:

  1. Clients can submit Comments and upon submission view them instantly.
  2. After clients submits their design requests it emails both parties with confirmation emails.
  3. Add options to Design Approval System “Settings Page” to let designer customize the confirmation emails messages and ‘Thank you’ message for pop-up.
  4. Designers will also see an additional text box when filling out when creating a new project.

Changing the messages and email text the clients see on the design approval page.

  1. When logging into the WordPress dashboard click the DAS menu tab.
  2. Now Click Settings.
  3. Customize text in the Design Changes Request Email and Popup Message section.
  4. Click the Save Changes button.

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What the Client will see on the front end.

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