Using the Plugin
Step 1: Add options to the settings page
Once the DAS plugin is installed you need to start by filling out some options on the ‘Settings’ page. Here’s how: Make sure you are logged into the admin account on your WordPress Install. On your Dashboard click or hover over the tab ‘DAS.’ Click ‘Settings.’ Fill out ‘Company Name.’ This is the Name that will…
Step 2: Adding Users & The Front End Manger Shortcode
Is this step you will learn how to setup the DAS Client and DAS Designer users. You as the Admin must add a New DAS Designer by going to the menu option Users / Add New, as shown in the photo below. In this step you are going to setup your DAS Designer. If you…
Step 3: Create a New Project and Design Post
We have made this very simple with our Front End Manager. Assuming you have added the proper shortcode to your page to see the tabs, please click on the tab that says ‘Create New Project. ‘ Here you will add a custom Order Number or Design Name. Then you will want to Create a Company Name the…
Step 4: Review the Design
In this step you will be reviewing the design and the info you have just added, making sure everything is correct. If everything is perfect click the ‘Send Email’ button in the box called Project Details in the bottom left corner of the template. This will send an email to your client with a link…
Step 5: Edit Design Post
Click the Edit Post link located in the lower left hand corner, just before the Send Email link. After clicking the ‘Edit’ button you will be directed back to the Create New Project tab where you can edit the post as depicted below. Click the ‘Update Post’ button and you should get a success message and be…