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Design Login Setup

Now on your DAS design posts you can choose if you want the client to see your custom login too. This also makes your design posts secure from other people surfing your site. You can also turn this option on or off on any post you want. Just make sure your client logs in with the Das Client you must set them up as in WordPress.

How do I setup Design Login?

  1. Start by purchasing Design Login. (You can also purchase the DAS Bundle Extensions which includes all of our Premium extensions for a discounted price.)
  2. After purchase, Download the extension or bundle from your “My Account” page.
  3. Upload and activate plugin to WordPress install. (for install instructions click here)
  4. Activate your license for this extension. (for Activating Plugin License instructions click here)
  5. All setup!


Ok, I’m all setup now – How do I use it?

  1. To Change to Title and Colors of the login page Hover/Click DAS tab.
  2. Click “Login Settings“.
  3. Change background color.
  4. Add Title to login and change text color.
  5. Click “Save Changes” button.

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Require Login on Design Post.

  1. Now that you are setup all you need to know how to do is choose require login. Go to DAS > Designs > {Title of your Design
  2. Click new “Custom Login” tab.
  3. Change “No, Login NOT Required” to “Yes, Login Required“.
  4. That’s it! Now the client will have to login with a username and password. See how to setup users here.

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