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Design Template Options

  1. You can change the colors of the site, add custom CSS and even change the titles and colors of the design post. Below are some photos of the settings page. Screen-Shot-2014-06-21-at-6.15.24-PMScreen-Shot-2014-06-21-at-6.15.57-PMScreen-Shot-2014-06-21-at-6.16.30-PM


Custom Options

If you would rather not show clients the header and footer of your site this handy little tricks will hide all but the design approval system area, like the photo at the beginning of this post.

Trick: Add this bit of CSS as already noted in the setting page when you open up the custom CSS box. The header, footer and nav css below should hide most themes elements, if not you may need to look at the design page source code to pinpoint the id or class to hide the header etc. and add to the Custom CSS Box.

header, #header nav, .nav-primary, footer, #footer { display:none; } 
/* this hides the themes header, footer and nav so you can just see the design and the options. */

.das-custom-upload { display:none; } 
/* hide the add media button. */

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The result will look something like this, depending on the colors you have chosen.

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Here is what the design post looks like when using the Design Login Option in the Premium version. You will see the logout button in the box to the right. Also below you can see what the page looks like when you page it smaller.

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