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Using Doc It

Step 1: Creating an Item to Document

The first thing you need to do is create an item to document. Basically, this is just a title we use to create the menu item for your WordPress Dashboard under the “Doc It” tab. For example, we want to make documentation for a WordPress plugin called “Design Approval System“. Follow the steps below to…

Step 2: Creating an Introduction Post

The second step of the process is to create an Introduction Post. The Introduction Post is used as the “Front Page” of a Documentation item you have created. Every Documentation item you create may have its own Introduction Post. This is great way to give a brief summary of the things you are documenting. It…

Step 3: Make the Categories

Next we we are going to make the categories that will make up your Documentations Item’s menu. You will be able to create menus up to 3 categories deep. Each Category may have Document posts attached to them. Here is an example of what we mean Main Category Name [REQUIRED] – Sub Category Name (Parent…

Step 4: Making the Document posts

In this fourth step we are going to make Document Posts. Document posts are the posts where you actually are going to document what it is you want to tell people about. You will see these posts under the categories in the sidebar. Login to you WordPress Dashboard. Click “Doc It” tab. Click “Documents“. (under…

Step 5: Generate the Shortcode & Page

Now that we have the introduction page made we will now create the shortcode. This is the step where you will choose the Introduction Post you created in step 2. Login to you WordPress Dashboard. Click “Doc It” tab. Click “Settings“. (under Doc It Tab) Under step “2.” you will select the name you created…

Rearranging a Doc It Sidebar

In this tutorial we will explain how to rearrange the documents and categories of the documentation items you have created in the sidebar. **NOTE** It is a good idea to open the dashboard in one browser tab and the page with the sidebar menu you are trying to edit in another browser tab. This way you…

Color your Code

These are the languages you can use when adding code to the Doc It plugin. You will also find an example of how to use it below. To use this feature just check the option in the settings page and save. It ‘s the last option on the page. Example usage Below is an example…

Additional Settings

Depicted below are some more settings options. Basically these are in place so you can make your Documentation display on the page nicely. And for those who know how to add custom css to change things, we made a custom CSS box just for you. Check the box to turn ON the custom padding option…

Shortcode for Video Pop-up

To create a Pop-up for Vimeo and Youtube videos you can now use this shortcode. [di-video][/di-video] Simply place the Iframe code in between the shortcode to generate the pop-up. Here is an example of shortcode and the pop-up in action: [di-video] <iframe src=”” height=”350″ width=”800″ allowfullscreen= frameborder=”0″></iframe> [/di-video]

Free Support Forum

If you are looking for answers and need help, please feel free to take a look through our Support Forum. If you decide to post a question please make sure you describe the problem in detail along with adding the System Info from the Doc It plugin. You can find the System Info link from…