- Using Feed Them Social
- Settings Options
- Translating our Plugin
- Clear All FTS Feeds Cache
- Get API Key for YouTube
- How to get API Keys and Tokens for Twitter
- How to create an Instagram Access Token
- How to create a Pinterest Access Token
- Custom Date & Time for Feeds
- Fit thumbnail on Facebook galleries
- Custom CSS Option
- Create Facebook App ID Token
- Powered By Text
- Settings Options
Facebook Error Messages
#803 – Facebook cannot find this ID.
If you are getting this error please check the following:
- Make sure you are using a Facebook (Page/Album/Event/Group) ID only.
- Do NOT use the full url when generating shortcode (Only copy what is between the / and ? in this example the ID would be Slickremix).
- If you need help getting a Facebook Page or Videos ID – Click here to see how.
- If you need help getting a Facebook Single Photo Gallery ID or Facebook Album Covers ID – Click Here to see how
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.
#100 – Unsupported get request.
If you are getting this error please check the following:
- If you have posts_displayed=page_and_others in your shortcode and you don’t have any posts by others on your facebook page you need to change it to posts_displayed=page_only for the feed to work.
- Personal Facebook Accounts do not work with our plugin, it must be a Facebook Page or Group.
- Make sure your Facebook Group is Open, Closed or Private groups will not display a feed.
- Make sure your Facebook Page and all posts are fully public. You’ll know if it is because you should be able to see page/posts when Logged Out of Facebook.
- You must not restrict the age or country the page is viewable in. These are options on your Facebook Settings Page on Facebook.
- Additionally your Posts should have a Global Icon with the words Public when you hover over it.
- This is an example of where you should be setting all posts public for a personal account.
- And you must also let everyone see your posts in your timeline.
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.
#803.2 – Cannot query users by their username.
If you are getting this error please check the following:
- Make sure if you are using a Facebook Group or Personal Account on Facebook that you are not using the “nice-name”. If you are you need to convert your nice name to an ID. Simply Copy your Facebook URL and get your ID here. https://lookup-id.com/
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.
#4, #17, #341, – Too many calls made to Facebook.
If you are getting this error please check the following:
- If you are using our default APP ID’s they may go down due to high volume of FTS users using them. – Please click the button on the Facebook Options Page of our plugin to get your own Page Access Token.
- If you have already clicked the button and are using an Access Token we provided for you and you are still seeing the message “#4 – Too many calls made to Facebook.” then you will need to increase the cache time from the Settings > Global Options Tab of our plugin. Setting this option to at least one day or more is the best option and should help ensure your feed stays up. Additionally using another caching plugin always helps too. You may have to wait an hour or so for the feed to come back up once you have hit your rate limit.
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.
#190 – Error validating application. Invalid application ID.
If you are getting this error please check the following:
- Please click the button on the Facebook Options Page of our plugin to get your own Page Access Token. APP ID’s are no longer valid for use in creating a feed.
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.
#104 – An access token is required to request this resource.
#210 – This call requires a Page access token.
If you are using the Facebook Review extension and are getting this error please check the following:
- Did you create your own Page Access Token? If not, Here’s How to Create a Never Expiring token.
- Are you sure you Copied & Pasted all of the Page Access Token into the Facebook Options page under the Feed Them tab in your WordPress Dashboard?
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.
No Reviews Found or
You may not have Admin Permissions for this page.
If you are getting this error please check the following:
- Are you admin of Page you are trying to get reviews from? You MUST be have admin privileges on the Facebook page to get reviews. Click here to see how.
- Do NOT use the full url when generating shortcode (Only copy what is between the / and ? in this example the ID would be Slickremix
- Have you created a Page Access Token? Facebook requires this to get reviews. Here’s How to Create a Never Expiring token.
- If You have changed your Facebook Password recently you will have to create a new Page Access Token to re-gain access to reviews.
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.
Question Marks showing for images
If you are getting this error please check the following:
- First make sure you are using your own Facebook APP token and not our default tokens. You can add your APP Token on the Facebook Options page of our plugin, last option on the page. See how to create a Facebook APP token here.
- If you are still getting Question marks for photos please make sure your Facebook App is using at least API v2.5.
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.
Fatal Error on Activation
If you are getting this error please check the following:
- This is a known issue with Godaddy and Bluehost. We do a check in our plugin to make sure you are using at least php version 5.3. Although you may be running a higher version of php in most cases this error will still occur because the php.ini file set by the host does not have the proper php version. To fix this contact your host and ask them to please make this adjustment for you.
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.
#1 – The group feed is experiencing a known error at this time.
If you are getting this error please check the following:
- At this time Facebook has a bug in the API. If you have a pinned post in your Group you will get the error mentioned. Simply unpin the post from your Facebook Group and the feed will work. Once Facebook fixed this issue we will notify everyone with a new update and changelog about it. Please follow the Submitted bug here. https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1677365995852310/
If you are still having troubles we will be more then glad to help. Please make a topic on our Support Forum for Feed Them Social.