Getting Started
This extension was created to streamline the process of managing your clients. You can set up clients, send gallery emails, add notes to clients and more. It’s also a great way to organize and password protect your galleries or albums you’ve already created with Feed Them Gallery. Another great thing about the Client Manager extension…
Step 1: Creating an Account Page + WooCommerce
The first step to setting up the Clients Manager extension is to set up a page for the clients to be able to see their Galleries and Albums. You can create a My Galleries page or whatever you want to call it and add a shortcode so your users can view their Galleries/Albums. If you…
Step 2: Customize Emails to Client
The second step to setting up the Client Manager extension is customizing the “Client Introduction” email. This option allows you to send out an introduction email explaining how to login to their account to view galleries/albums and how to set their password. This email can be sent when adding clients to your WordPress install saving…
Step 3: Adding New Users & Client Introduction
After you have customized your “Send Introduction email”, adding a client is as simple as adding a User to WordPress. When logged into your WordPress install go to the Users tab, click Add User and fill out the info on your user. DO NOT CHECK the “Send User Notification” option if you are going to…
Step 4: Adding & Removing Clients in Galleries/Albums
Now that you have added a Client or Clients to your website you can attach them to a Gallery and or Album and Invite them to view the Gallery or Album. This is how you do that. Create a new Gallery, Album or choose an existing one. Now under that Gallery or Album click the…
Step 5: Client Details
In this step we are going to go over the Client details and the options that are currently available. If you look in the menu of our plugin you will see a Clients menu Option. When you click the Clients menu link you will see a list of all the clients you have added to…