Step 1: Get API Key for Google
In order for you to get the Google feed working you need an API Key. Here is the process to obtain that. You can watch this quick setup to do that and or read through the steps below.
- Go to this link and login or create an account if necessary then you’ll want to click on the CREATE PROJECT menu option as depicted in the photo below. Wait a moment as google prepares your project.
- Fill in whatever Project Name you want.
- Then click on the menu option to the left called Library and look for the Google+ API link and click it and Enable API as noted in the next step. Then Click on the Google+ Domains API and lastly YouTube Data API. You MUST Enable these three API options in that order for the Custom Google Plus Feed to work properly.
- Now click on the ‘► ENABLE’ button.
- Now you should see a screen like below. Go back and do the same for the other 2 API libraries mentioned in step.
- After you have finished Enabling all 3 API’s you want to click on the Credentials Menu Option to the left. Now choose the YouTube API v3 for the first select and Web browser(Javascript) for the second select option, then choose Public data and now click the blue button ‘What credentials do I need.
- Now copy the API Key.
- Paste the API Key in our Google Options menu page as depicted below.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you get an error notice the best thing to do we have found in the trials here is to absolutely delete the Public API access. Then add it again.
That’s it, you’re done!