GitHub Setup
In order to use the GitHub feed on Sidebar Support you must have an account with Github. You will need to setup a Basic Authentication token.
Here is how you set it up:
- Log into
- Once logged in, Click your Gravatar/Icon in the top right corner. A menu should appear.
- Select “Settings”.
- On the left side menu of the page click “Personal Access Tokens”.
- Click “Generate new token” button in the top right corner of page.
- Fill out the settings as follows:
- Click “Generate Token” button!
- Copy your new personal access token now. You won’t be able to see it again! **NOTE** Do NOT leave page for next step open a new window or tab until you have copied the access token and pasted into sidebar support settings for github.
- Log into your WordPress install.
- Click Sidebar Support.
- Click the GitHub Tab
- Copy and Personal Access Token into the “Personal Access Token” field.
- Now just fill in your User and/or Organization fields.**NOTE** If you don’t want to show User feed in the “Show By” field select “Hide This Feed” option as the User is retrieved by the user who created the token. For the Organization feed just leave the “Organization Name ” field blank to not show it.
- Click “Save All Changes” and your ready to go!
Be Sure that you have selected the Menu Option to show on the front end of the site!
An Icon should Appear to show you the GitHub feed! Happy supporting!