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GQ Theme Setup

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What the GQ Theme plugin does.

  • Custom Design Approval Template made to fit in your theme.
  • Fully responsive for Desktops, Tablets and Mobile devices.
  • Once logged in clients can comment on the post, no client changes plugin required.
  • Clients can upload photos, pdf, zips etc.
  • Respond to clients using the comments area too.
  • Custom terms on each design or a global one set on the QG Setting page.
  • Add a custom Project Board link.
  • Change all the colors of the theme.
  • Custom title options.
  • Includes 2 default theme color combos.
  • Easily remove the header & footer of your theme to only display the Design & options.
  • GQ Theme is WooCommerce for DAS ready.
  • Works with our Select User & Email plugin.


How do I setup the GQ Theme for DAS?

  1. Start by purchasing the GQ Theme Template.
  2. After purchase, Download the extension or bundle from you “My Account” page.
  3. Upload and activate plugin to WordPress install. (for install instructions click here)
  4. Finally, activate your license for this extension so you can receive future update notices. (view activating plugin license instructions.)


Ok, I’m all setup now – How do I use it?

  1. Start by setting up a project and design. If you already have a design post setup you can skip this step.  (If you don’t know how this works follow the Quick Start steps before continuing.)
  2. Go to the design you want to see presented using the GQ Theme.  (DAS > Designs > {Title of your Design})
  3. Scroll down below the design edit area and you click the tab called “Template” under the “Design Approval System” section.
  4. Select “GQ Theme TemplateScreen Shot 2014-08-08 at 6.01.05 PM
  5. Now publish and view the page. In the GQ template we are leaving your header and footer for the site around the design approval area. Depending on your theme it may look something like this.Screen Shot 2014-08-08 at 6.25.41 PM
  6. You can change the colors of the site, add custom CSS and even change the titles and colors of the design post. Below are some photos of the settings page. Screen-Shot-2014-06-21-at-6.15.24-PMScreen-Shot-2014-06-21-at-6.15.57-PMScreen-Shot-2014-06-21-at-6.16.30-PM
  7. The photo below depicts another option on the design post edit page under the Template Tab. This tab is called GQ Options. In this tab you will be able to add Terms and Conditions. You can use the global terms by adding your text in the QG Settings page but if you add text on the design edit post you will override the text coming from the terms box on the GQ Theme Settings page. Screen-Shot-2014-06-21-at-6.14.42-PM
  8. And finally if you want to show the comments option for your design post, just make sure and check the comments box in your design post. If you do not see this option click the screen options button at the very top right of the screen and then choose the option to show the comments options on the page. Once you allow comments the Comments button will appear on the GQ Template. Screen Shot 2014-08-09 at 3.39.28 PMAdditionally you can go to the main wordpress menu under Settings/Discussions and choose whether or not the Client should be logged in before making a comment. Note: If the Client is not logged in though the ‘Add Media’ button will not be active.Settings Discussions Here is an example of the comment form when being logged out..Logged out view of comment form Here is an example of the comment for when being logged in. Logged In view of comment form


Custom Options

If you would rather not show clients the header and footer of your site this handy little tricks will hide all but the design approval system area, like the photo at the beginning of this post.

Trick: Add this bit of CSS as already noted in the setting page when you open up the custom CSS box. The header, footer and nav css below should hide most themes elements, if not you may need to look at the design page source code to pinpoint the id or class to hide the header etc. and add to the Custom CSS Box.

header, #header nav, .nav-primary, footer, #footer { display:none; } 
/* this hides the themes header, footer and nav so you can just see the design and the options. */

.das-custom-upload { display:none; } 
/* hide the add media button. */

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The result will look something like this, depending on the colors you have chosen.

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Here is what the design post looks like when using the Design Login plugin. You will see the logout button in the box to the right. Also below you can see what the page looks like when you page it smaller.

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You can see more photos of the GQ Theme here.