Step 2: Adding Users & The Front End Manger Shortcode
Is this step you will learn how to setup the DAS Client and DAS Designer users.
- You as the Admin must add a New DAS Designer by going to the menu option Users / Add New, as shown in the photo below. In this step you are going to setup your DAS Designer. If you are the only person adding designs, setting up a DAS Designer is not necessary.
- Second and most important, IF our plugin did not create a custom page for you in your wordpress called project-manager you will need to create a page in wordpress and add this shortcode which displays the option to see the Project Board, Create New Project and New Customers or clients as we usually call them. Paste this into the page you have created. This works best if you use a full width page style template. Copy and past this shortcode: [DASFrontEndManager]
- Now your page should show something similar to this showing the 3 tabs.
- Now you will add a DAS Client. This is easier now and you can even customize the message that goes to them and in html if you wanted too. To get started please click the tab that says Create New Customer.
- Now you should see a success message after filling in the info.
- If you want to customize the message the Customer receives go to the Settings page in the Backend and scroll to the very bottom and you will see ‘Create New Customer Email Message.’
Please go to the next step.