Step 2: Creating an Introduction Post
The second step of the process is to create an Introduction Post. The Introduction Post is used as the “Front Page” of a Documentation item you have created. Every Documentation item you create may have its own Introduction Post. This is great way to give a brief summary of the things you are documenting. It is also a good way to get people interested in reading all of your documentation.
In Step 1 we created the Documentation Item called “Design Approval System”. Make your Introduction Post name relative to the Documentation Item name you created in Step 1. The title you choose will also appear on the “Front Page” of your documentation.
- Login to you WordPress Dashboard.
- Click “Doc It” tab.
- Click “Introductions“. (under Doc It Tab)
- Click “Add New“. (to the right of “Doc It Introduction“)
- Create your introduction.
- Click “Publish“.
Note: At this time the introduction is not attached to a Document Item.
That will be happen in Step 6: Generate the Shortcode