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Step 4: Making the Document posts

In this fourth step we are going to make Document Posts. Document posts are the posts where you actually are going to document what it is you want to tell people about. You will see these posts under the categories in the sidebar.

  1. Login to you WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Click “Doc It” tab.
  3. Click “Documents“. (under Doc It Tab)Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 5.54.55 PM
  4. Click the “Add New“ button to the right of the title “All Your Documents.”
  5. Add your title.
  6. Add content to the post area. (can be photos,videos or text.)
  7. Next choose the category(s) you want your post to appear under. (photo depicted below)
  8. Click “Publish” on the right side of the page or “Save Draft” if it’s not ready.
  9. That’s it! Move on to Step 5.

Here is an example of this exact post.

Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 5.52.45 PM


Example of what category(s) have been picked for this post to show up under.

Categories picked for post to appear


Now notice the placement of this post in the menu after choosing the categories you want and publishing the post.

Category post view