Woo for DAS Setup
Are you using WooCommerce for WordPress and want to take your Design Approval System to the next level? If so, this Premium Extension is just what you are looking for.
Woo for DAS will give you the ability to automatically create a Woo product so you can charge your clients for designs/versions they have not yet paid for. They can easily checkout and pay for using any of the payment gateways WooCommerce offers.
- Start by setting up a project and design. If you already have a design post setup you can skip this step. (If you don’t know how this works follow the Quick Start steps before continuing.)
- Go to the design you want to turn into a Woo product. (DAS > Designs > {Title of your Design})
- Scroll down below the design edit area and you click the new tab called “Product Info” under the “Design Approval System” section.
- Select “Yes, Create or Update this Design as a Woo product.“
- Add a Price for the design.
- Add a featured image to your design post and it will be used as the products main image.
- Click “Update” button (under “Publish” section of right sidebar.)
- Your first DAS design product has been created in WooCommerce. If you want to see your “DAS design” product go to Products > {Title of your Design}
What the Clients See
Now your clients will see an add to cart button on their design page. (example of GQ Theme)
View of paid product on the project board.
Final Note
We made it so simple to keep these products organized because when your “DAS design” product was automatically generated it also created a new woo category and put it in that category called “DAS Designs Products”. This makes it easy for you to organize or create a storefront only showing those products. The possibilities are endless!